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Premium Safe Drinking Water Test Kit - AW Research Laboratories

Retail Value:
Your Price:
$77.50 (50%)

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A.W. Research Laboratories, Inc. (AWRL) was founded in 1972 by Alan Cibuzar. AWRL became one of the first certified analytical labs in the state of Minnesota in 1973 and since then has grown into a full service environmental laboratory.

AWRL's Laboratory is an independent in-house lab serving a wide variety of clients including government agencies, industry, municipalities and private citizens. We specialize in surface water, groundwater, wastewater, and drinking water analyses.


Includes Testing for Coliform, E.coli, Nitrates, Lead, Arsenic, and Manganese. Pick up Kit and Return Your Water Sample to the Lab for Testing. No Cash Back. No Cash Value. No Credit Given. No Refunds.

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AW Research Laboratories

AW Research Laboratories

314 Charles Street
Brainerd, MN 56401
(218) 829-7974
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